• Still In The Update Mood – #24

    February 16th, 2007HARTHmmmm Things, Quickies

    * I have upgraded from wordpress version 2.0.0 to wordpress version 2.1

    I have successfully upgraded the Battling-Obesity.com blog today, to the latest version of wordpress 2.1

    There was a slight issue that occurred caused by my DSL connection which was a little shaky today (it’s been windy here – if that’s the reason). I’ve come to a routine to updating my blogs, as in the following order:

    * I post an entry to let people know that I’m in the process of upgrading
    * I backup the entire domain and all of the files to my local drive via FTP
    * I backup the MySQL database two ways .. first through the Manage/Backup and email me a copy, and by directly going into the cPanel, myPHPadmin and backing it up manually to save on my own computer
    * I print the Plugins page
    * I deactivate all of the plugins
    * In my cPanel, I go to the File Manager and delete ../wp-admin/ .. /wp-includes/ .. and if exists, the ../wp-content/cache/ folders. I also delete the files inside any backup folders, but don’t bother to delete the folders
    * I leave all of the root files by the way
    * I FTP the c:\2.1\wordpress\*.* folder and files from my computer to the blog’s root folder
    * I go to Options/Permalinks and update
    * I manually activate all the plugins that were activated before (and upgraded already in my c:\2.1 folders) from the print out
    * I’ve got a list of plugins that I shouldn’t keep activated and versions and double check, plus activate a few new plugins that I’ve grown to like
    * I go through the options – and make sure my Feedburner feed and plugin work. I have to go to Feedburner.com in my account and usually have to edit the feed details, re:ping and re:synch
    * While I’m at feedburner, I’ve been deactivating the summary feed, enabling the statistics, making sure my HART-caricature is the default logo on all feeds, and just looking around really.
    * I go through the rest of the Options and make sure every one is correctly configured
    * Browse and view the blog and test the links, the pages, the permalinks, and see if any errors exist
    * I then pretty much lose interest and just post the “I’m Finished” type of post, without thoroughly testing anything other than a visual view. But, once I start posting I will note if something doesn’t work properly.

    Anyway .. My DSL connection must have died after uploading the c:\2.1\wordpress\ folder up to my domain .. and died out while I wasn’t looking. When I started to re-activate the plugins .. one the older ones that were not overwritten (because my restoration of files halted) .. created a problem. It took me about 10 minutes to notice that the version of the plugin was the same, and then I realized what had happened, uploaded all the files correctly .. and everything was all peachy.

    The good news, is that while that was all happening .. I’ve noticed that all my pictures were extremely large – like 650kb each .. because I’m posting daily pictures of my meals over there, and calculated that I might run out of space within 1.4 years .. so, I mass edited all the pictures to be maximum 1000 x 1000 px and now the average size is about 120kb for the very large files now.

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