• Q) How Many WordPress Backups Does It Take To Fill A Gmail Account?

    April 26th, 2008HARTHmmmm Things, Quickies

    A) 5300

    Yes .. that is apparently true … 5300 MySQL daily backups is the limit! (in case you were curious)


    I’ve used up 6.666 GIGS of Google space allotted on one of my gmail accounts that I use strictly for my daily backups. Thanks goodness that I have never really had the need to actually restore any of these backups, but it’s nice to know that if I needed it – they were here. Normally, when I do major wordpress upgrades, I keep an EXTRA copy of my MySQL database on my own Harddrive – where I know where it is and can view the file and see if it is a good backup – in addition to the gmail backups.

    You can click on the image below to see that it took me approx. 5300 daily MySQL database backups to use up the 6,660 MB of space, and it prevented me from sending any new backups.


    As of this day, except for the last week .. I have now deleted all of these backups and will start again.

    So, What Exactly Am I Doing?

    I’ve got a lot of blogs and have installed the WordPress Database Backup Plugin in each of them. I have scheduled daily automatic backups of all of my blogs to be emailed directly to one of my gmail accounts, dedicated for just the backups.

    On certain of my blogs that have a MySQL database too large for emailing, it backs up the database and stores it in a backup folder on the server under the wp-content folder, and periodically I have to go in and FTP it to my local computer and delete it on the server, to free the space. For instance, the MySQL database for my PetLvr blog is about 40 MB’s and after a few weeks .. it starts to add up! It’s my largest database, but I have a lot of plugins and database tables included .. for a variety of statistics – not to mention the actual content, which is almost reaching close to 4000 posts soon.

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