• Some Problems With ‘Getting Back Into It’

    May 9th, 2007HARTHmmmm Things

    I’m not going to lie. There was a problem .. and the problem was me.

    I was having a rough time “Getting Back Into It” since I resumed blogging from my Official Slowdown notice on May 1st .. and it’s May 9th today! I can’t believe how much time has passed since I’ve announced that “I’m Back”..

    I do feel that I am finally back in the drivers’ seat though, as in the past 2 days I probably have PRE-posted about 40 articles around my blogs. I feel like I am about half way there, before I really get back to normal. When I am finished getting a good week’s worth PRE-posted articles on EVERY blog, I will publish my recommendations to Ezine Writers … to let you “authors” out there know some of my reasons how I select ezine articles to be used in my blogs, or rejected for my blogs.


    If you haven’t noticed, I’ve got a lot of blogs and no writers. I do everything myself! I’ve tried to hire writers, and even trained a few family and friends but, that never panned out. I wish my wife would be interested, but I can totally understand why she isn’t. Meanwhile, here is how I used to blog and read blogs and comment on blogs and just have fun in the blogosphere – during my off season: I could spend a whole day working on my blogs, or reading blogs or commenting on blogs or just having fun in the blogosphere! Of course, on average .. it was working to be in range between 3-6 hours per day I think – spread out through the day or in blocks of time. For some reason, instead of doing ADMIN work for my own non-blogging business (I’m an accountant/bookkeeper/consultant by day) … I would almost prefer to catch up on everything by working all night Thursday nights, and then quitting work Friday by suppertime, and walking away from the computer.

    But – January through to June is my busy season offline, especially February to April due to income tax. I’m like a different person. What normally would be, for instance, an 8 hour day of working at my accounting and income tax business then add maybe 3-6 hours blogging, became about 11-12 hour day working at my accounting and income tax business, and then adding 3-6 hours blogging.

    Last year – (due to the “technorati incident” as I like to call it) – my traffic was cut in half, and then my offseason work caused me to slow it down to about 25% of what I thought was normal traffic. Strangely enough, I’ve found out that readers, in general, tend to NOT be loyal to blogs but .. there are always new readers out there. I lost that extra 25% of traffic last year because I practically did an official slowdown starting March 1st. This year, I managed to last as long as April 20th before I had to give in to the workload .. and prevent a heart attack or something bad to my health!

    Looking at my statistics, I think I survived the traffic meltdown, and thank everybody for being patient and sticking around my RSS Feeds during the interim!

    And then I announced, that it was time to get back into it.

    Here’s the thing

    I can’t tell you how tired I’ve been .. since April 30th. I was popping WakeUps pills and doing consecutive 24 hour shifts with maybe the odd 3 hour power nap on the sofa. (PS: THAT’S NORMAL ACTUALLY FOR TAX SEASON). I think the reason I could do that, is because my mind was always racing about work related topics. Since April 30th, I have not really been able to shut my mind down, and get a full night’s sleep .. and stop my mind from thinking about work. I could take sleeping pills, but I just don’t think I should be doing that – take wakeup pills to stay awake, then sleeping pills to fall asleep.

    It took me 4 days to realize .. after I didn’t do ANY work or blogging and just trying to recouperate .. wait-a-minute .. I’ve got a crap load of work in my ToDo list and I should STILL be very busy! I don’t know why I think I should be back to working 8 hours per day with the accounting and income tax, when I should still be working about 10-11 hours per day to catch up and finish everything by May 31st.

    The sad thing is .. I’ve been working about 6 hours per day and falling MORE behind (and, forget the first few days of May when I did only Admin stuff, or nothing) Then .. my non-computer-literate parents receiving their newly purchased DELL computer last week and who do they call? HART-Computer-Installation-Busters! And then there was the purchase of a new big screen TV on the weekend, which takes time researching, going around, installing new TV cabinets, etc etc and trying to remove old non-working Big-Screen TV to local goodwill centers ->> all takes time!

    So – Do I have it out of my system now?

    Good question. I’ve finally did a GOOD Day’s work yesterday .. and at the moment have been working all-night catching up on my blogging. Don’t worry .. there’s always time for a power nap in the morning after my wife leaves for work at 7am in the bathtub!~ .. I even vaccuumed my office (since mid-April) and can see what’s in my ToDo boxes and organized everything!

    Anyway .. That’s where I am at mentally .. previously a mess and trying to recover. And physically, I’m still a mess but I am also trying to recover .. and also get back to routine for the Battling-Obesity blog.

    I started again on the exercise bike in the basement every morning, since the weekend – and my legs are .. well, the “No Pain, No Gain” saying would apply .. Side Effect from working in a chair all hours of the day (my excuse).

    That’s all folks! But, as a sidenote..

    According to the weather channel, it is supposed to be 31c in Winnipeg today, then back to normal 15-20c temps on Thursday. Here in my Home Office, due to the computers, it’s 33c in the middle of the night .. I’m dreading what it will be like later on today.

    By the way .. and speaking of today May 9th .. is my older brother’s 50th Birthday .. He was actually born on Mother’s day, 50 years ago today. We’re having a double celebration and BBQ on Sunday, and it’s like .. almost annoying how each is trying to AVOID MENTIONING that fact….

    My Mom: Are you coming over on Sunday for dinner?
    ME: Sunday? Hmm.. Why? What’s the occassion?
    My Mom: It’s your brother’s birthday.

    Likewise .. when I last talked to my older brother

    My Older Brother: Are you coming over on Sunday for dinner?
    ME: Sunday? Hmm.. Why? What’s the occassion?
    My Older Brother: It’s Mothers’ Day

    Of course, with my younger brother .. the conversation goes like this..

    My Younger Brother: Are you coming over on Sunday for dinner?
    ME: Sunday? Hmm.. Why? What’s the occassion?
    My Younger Brother: We’re having BBQ Steak and Chicken

    (PS: I’m the middle son, in case you haven’t figured that out ..)

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