• Still In The Update Mood – #2

    January 26th, 2007HARTHmmmm Things, Quickies

    * I have upgraded from wordpress version 2.0.2 to wordpress version 2.1

    I have upgraded 1800HART.com/picks/ last night. Surprisingly .. this upgrade did NOT go as smoothly as it did with my PapillonLvr.com/blog/ upgraded from version 1.5.2 direct to version 2.1.

    So what happened? I do not know. But, I can tell you how I finally fixed it.

    After a safe backup of both the files and the MySQL data .. I deactivate all of the plugins and then deleted my /wp-content/cache/ folder and /wp-content/backups/ folder as I did with PapillonLvr upgrade. I then FTP’ed all of the files of the new version 2.1 folder on my harddrive to the site. Since my upgrade of the first PapillonLvr site, I have been updating more plugins and placing them directly inside the folder … I went to my plugins site first and looked to obtained updates for everything that was activated originally.

    PS: I’m quite disappointed that the plugin WP-AMAZON is broken with wordpress 2.1 .. but the author is aware and promises a new Ajax based version is coming out soon

    Currently .. that plugin is the mostly used plugin I constantly use in HART’s Picks ..

    But I was Getting The Death White Screen

    I couldn’t even get a view of any page or run the …/wp-admin/upgrade.php script.

    I thought it was first the code in my header from the WP-Admin-Bar-2 plugin .. so I removed it. >> that wasn’t it.

    I thought it was my .htaccess file in my root folder, so I deleted it .. >> That was partly it. I was now able to hit the front page of the blog, but there were no posts .. just the sidebar and stuff. There was a message that said “content not found” ..or something like that.

    So .. I went back into my FTP and started to delete everything bit by bit. I removed the wp-admin folder .. and I removed the wp-includes folder .. and I removed everything out of my root related to wordpress except my wp-config.php file .. and FTP’ed again the entire program over.

    I did receive the front screen and some posts, but the permalinks gave me errors and nothing would work. But, when I accessed the login page and then went into my options/permalinks – that was fixed.

    So – now I went and did the upgrade script .. and activated my plugins .. and *knock on wood* .. everything is as it should be. I even activated a few new plugins that work with version 2.1 – however, I think I need to add a few code in my template.

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