• Quickies – December 12, 2006

    December 12th, 2006HARTQuickies

    * Our Network Code Just Got Smaller

    You might have noticed that our network code in the sidebar shrank this morning .. it did … I believe it was 10 sites that was removed from the network code today.

    RUTH is in the process of a reorganization of all of her sites, deleting a bunch, consolidating a few, creating a couple more … etc .. now that she is all settled in after her recent move mid-November 2006. Once I get a final list I will update the code .. so, you can watch for that! There’s no sense to make another post about it, but it should be by the end of this week.

    Speaking of that link .. I see that I need to also update our BIO page too 🙂 I’ll do that at the same time as above.

    * WordPress Guest Article

    It’s hard NOT to notice that guest article in the dashboard of every friggin blog that I’ve updated today by Aaron Brazell on the WordPress Development Blog. Since Aaron shares the first name with my father .. I’ll give him a link out and congrats with that. It sure beats the old 46 day old Ronan WordPress 2.0.5 notice. I actually wanted to read Aaron’s article!

    And .. what was great news was it for the masses who uses WordPress blogs?

    Absolutely nothing of great importance to us regular wordpress bloggers and users … . (it was written to the developers and writers of plugins) … however, now I have to keep reminding myself that someday soon I shall havee to update all of my blogs from the versions of 1.5.2, 1.5.3, 2.0.1, 2.0.2. 2.04 to the new and upcoming version 2.1

    to: AARON and OTHER DEVELOPERS … Is there any way you can automate the update process on these blogs? It takes forever to upgrade 40-50 blogs … by the time we can finish .. there’s always a newer version coming!

    Okay. I said. I was just putting it “out there”. It was a rhetorical question.

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