• A little about how HART blogs .. with Pre-Posting

    November 13th, 2006HARTQuickies

    How I Blog … if this was a series – it would be Part I…

    * I posted on my 1800HART blog and provided some more “Stuff for the Taking” .. which was an excel template that I use to help me keep track of preposted articles throughout my network.

    Well .. here’s an example of what I did last night after my wife went to sleep, while watching a late-night movie ..

    If you click the above image, you will see that I preposted 52 articles late last night- (well, actually 51 – I wrote the one on 1800HART Blog this morning ..) It’s nothing too special, so don’t think like I am trying to show off the greatest thing since slice bread or anything .. but I’ve got 35+ blogs now and if I don’t keep track of what’s being posted .. I will probably spend too much time constantly trying to figure out what has been posted!

    If you look at the blogs on the list .. all articles posted were Ezine articles that I’ve been saving in my Bloglines account as “keep new”. If the movie was longer, I would have continued posting on the PetLvr line .. and probably a few more sites like AndYouRetire.com and more in the “LVR-Series of Blogs”.

    The way I do it .. is like the way the image shows. When I prepost articles, I just circle the hour under the date column that I create for a blog and just fill in the blanks. Some blogs I post every 4 hours, some once a day. This week, I posted 4 on the 62-151.com blog strictly because I’ve been accumulating tons of SEO type of articles, and wanted to release a bunch and get that list lower in my Bloglines.

    This isn’t a final list .. because I will get back to it during the evenings later this week and probably here and then during the day, and early mornings and later evenings. That’s why I generally keep this sheet close by and even when I “impulse blog” and do a post (like this one) .. I just add the time and date in the appropriate column and jot it down for my reference.

    *sigh* yup .. that’s sounds pretty anal, eh? But – it works for me for now.

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